Ibrahim Kariuki Murrithi
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Praise the Lord I am happy to greet you in the name of Jesus Christ who died for my sin because I was delivered from the power of darkness. I was searching for a way between religion which can deliver me from the power of darkness but religion couldn't save me. I lost control of my life drowned in darkness. I tried to escape from reality by many harmful ways but couldn't find the way then by God's compassion and grace of the living Christ, Jesus met me and healed my soul, cleansed my heart and made me stand on solid foundation.
My wife is saved and looking for our Lord Jesus Christ who will come take us to heaven.
I have led over 100 people to Christ as Savior and have started the church where I am pastoring and have helped to start other churches together with our fellowship of pastors in Pakot and Transzio Districts. I have trained others for the ministry so that they can help me with the church planting.
I don't have any monthly income because I am not employed by anyone so we have a small business of selling vegetables and my wife is there weekdays so that we eat from that small business and we continue serving the Lord. I will be so grateful for your assistance and I pray for you that God will help you to help others like me in the ministry. Please, whatever you give me I will appreciate and continue is faithful to the Lord.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 35 | Villages Evangelized | 110 | Professions of Faith | 4246 | Believers Baptized | 482 | What do these mean?
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