Final Frontiers Foundation, Inc.

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What is a Sponsorship?

  • Sponsoring a national preacher is a simple process. Simply tell us which country you are most burdened for and we’ll provide you with information on preachers living there who are approved for sponsorship. If you don’t have a preference, we’ll assign you a preacher from our most needy list.

    Sponsorship is $50.00 monthly. Your national pastor will receive the funds both in cash and also in educational materials. Examples of such materials are training and discipleship books, materials for evangelism, Bibles and many more. In some countries we will organize conferences for the various groups to give them intensive training. Based on our annually filed IRS form 990, only between 5 to 6% of all the funds received are used to cover our office expenses and maintain accountability with your preacher. This equates to around $2.50 of the $50.

    As a sponsor you should receive correspondence when we send your support to your chosen preacher four times annually.

    Each preacher recommended for support has successfully passed through at least three levels of examination and has been proven to be doctrinally sound, morally pure and have a verifiable track record in church planting and discipleship.

  • Sponsorship of a TEAM can be done for as little as $10.00 monthly, or for any other amount you wish. TEAM stands for Together Effectively Advancing the Ministry. Though many preachers are being supported, they often collectively lack ministry tools that can be useful. The purpose of the TEAM funding is to provide each country with money to be used for such things as purchasing Bibles and tracts, printing literature, buying bicycles for the traveling evangelists, building a church or Bible school, helping with emergency relief, etc.

    Each trimester as the funds are mailed abroad, the national coordinator for every nation is asked to fill out a TEAM Report Form which we will send to you. This will give you a first hand report of how your funds were effectively used to advance the ministry in that land

  • Sponsorship of Touch a Life, gives assistance to an orphaned, abandoned or destitute child. The $35.00 monthly sponsorship provides for food, clothing, basic medical care, and educational assistance.  All orphanages and home placement programs assisted by Final Frontiers are administered by pastors who are supported though this foundation, and are operated as a ministry of a local church.  Monthly correspondence is required from the children.  Sponsorship distribution for the child is identical to that of the preachers (see #1). 

  • Membership in the Smugglers is $10.00 monthly and is used to purchase and distribute Bibles and to fund our international offices. Many national pastors and Believers do not own a copy of God’s Word. Smuggelers funds, help to turn the dream of having their own Bible, into a reality.

  • Daily Bread is a similar program to Touch a Life but does not have a specific sponsor/child designation, rather it is good bought in bulk to feed unspecified unsponsored children who are awaiting sponsorship.

  • Bags of Hope is our food distibution program feeding widows, orpahns, and persecuted families living primarily in the Islamic Middle East. Support for this program is $20 monthly.

Preacher Kokouvi Agbelekpo

Wife: Mensah
Children: 3
Country: Togo

Needs additional support
What is a sponsorship?


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