David Dismas Chialo
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I was born into a Roman Catholic home. At the age of 20 I heard a message on Revelation 20:11-20 and realized my need of Salvation. Soon I was involved in teaching Sunday School and occasionally preaching. Then the Lord convicted me to attend Bible College. I graduated in 1991, with a 4 year degree. I have been serving as a pastor in the Migori District ever since.
My wife was saved at the age of 14. She has maintained a consistent Christian life and testimony. We serve together. She is a great encouragement to me.
Since my graduation I have been a pastor amongst my own tribal people, the Luo, along the eastern shore of Lake Victoria. Our ministry is a typical pastoral ministry of evangelism, discipling, and preaching. We are engaged in literature distribution and open air evangelism. I have started three churches. I work with other are pastors in an evangelistic association. We choose a village for evangelism and plant a church there as a team. Over the years I have led over 500 people to Jesus and baptized 53.
My family lives in a two room house made with mud walls and a grass roof. It has 2 rooms; one as a living room and one for sleeping. we cook outside. Generally we eat corn meal with vegetables and occasionally fish.
Because my tribe, the Luo, have gennerally refused to abandon traditional sexual practices, they are one of the most highly HIV infected groups in the world. Evangelism is very urgent. The people are open. Death is very real here. Currently I receive about $37.00 a month but we need $70.00. Have a sponsor would provide more funds for travelling to the villages for evangelism, as well as provide my family's needs.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 77 | Villages Evangelized | 190 | Professions of Faith | 624 | Believers Baptized | 478 | What do these mean?
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