I was born into a non-Christian family.I was saved in 1996 when I heard the Word of God in a church which I later joined.After salvation, about a year later, I started having a burden for serving God in my heart.The following year I went to Bible School to study God’s Word so that I could serve Him in a stable manner.
Before becoming a pastor, I served in various places in the church – youth leader and head of evangelism – just to name a few areas where I worked.The Spirit of God continued to speak to me about working for Him.Three years after Bible School, God called me to be a minister to the church which I am now serving.
Currently I am involved in church planting, discipleship, open air evangelism, tribal evangelism, literature distribution, Bible teaching and Bible translating.I have started one new church and I have trained two men to be pastors.
I live in a grass thatched house.Some of my favorite foods include ugali (corn meal mash), beans and vegetables.I purchase all my foods from the market. ...Read More