Kenneth Odhiambo Asembo
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I was born into a Christian home. My father taught me many truths about God. I was baptized at the age of 11, but grew away from the Lord as a teenager. At the age of 22, I committed my life to the Lord anew. It took me a while to fully yield because I was making a good salary, but my friends encouraged me and I finally did go to Bible College, graduate, and enter the ministry at the age of 31.
Because my tribe, the Luo, have generally refused to abandon traditional sexual practices, they are one of the most highly HIV infected groups in the world. Evangelism is very urgent. The people are open. Death is very real here.
I have led over 300 souls to Christ and started 5 churches and trained many in the ministry, Besides these 5 that I have started on my own, I have helped to start 24, The need$ of my family are about $145 a month, but my income is only about $40. A sponsor would aid me greatly in providing for my family, and furthering the gospel in western Kenya.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 26 | Villages Evangelized | 171 | Professions of Faith | 2597 | Believers Baptized | 1151 | What do these mean?
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Wife: Nuru Alfayo Laizer Children: 7 Country: Tanzania
Needs additional support What is a sponsorship? | |
I was born into a Christian family.I professed Jesus Christ as my Savior in 1977.In the church I served as chairman of the choir and leader of the youth.In 1989, God called me to join the Baptist Seminary.I graduated in 1993.While I was in seminary, I planted a church at Olmotonyi.We started with seven persons.There are now 182 baptized Christian members.I feel the Lord has called me to plant churches. ...Read More