Juan Garcia Salez
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I was 13 years old when an evangelist came to my village. He held studies in different homes and it was my pleasure to attend. I accepted Christ. When the brothers saw me active in the church they gave me the privilege of singing. I gave the Bible reading and I began to preach. I helped the missionaries but I was not given any money. I worked a half day to earn money and I worked a half day in the Lord's work. I suffered much and so did my wife and children to be a part of the work. I served many years in the church then I left to work on a radio program. I did this with very little salary. I was trained at the Esdras Bible Institute,
We are poor. One day my wife said to me, There is nothingn to put on the fire" and I told her "That's true there is nothing because we serve the Lord". My family has suffered much for the sake of the ministry.
I have started two churches and nearly one hundred preaching stations and trained two men to work in ministry. I work alone holding open air evangelistic meetings. I work with tribal groups that speak my language of Mam. I go into the slums to minister to the poor and work with children. I also preach on the radio.
Since I do not work outside my ministry for the Lord, we have no regular income. We live in an adobe house with a tile roof. Our main foods are beans and corn. Your financial support will help feed and clothe my family and increase our outreach for Christ.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 134 | Villages Evangelized | 181 | Professions of Faith | 301 | Believers Baptized | 159 | What do these mean?
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