Charles Milton Ongalo
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It was in a Sunday service when the pastor ministered from John 3:16 and added that there is no one righteous not even one, concluding by saying the wages of sin is death and that all have sinned, that I was saved. I puzzled my sins out and then by my mouth I confessed Christ is Lord. By faith I was saved at that moment. This was January, 1990.
After seven years I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send to my people?” That’s when I said, “Send me.” I entered Bible College, graduated, and now am pastoring and going to my people for the Lord as He asked.
My wife was a born again Christian. We met and were married in 1999. She is a joyful and hardworking wife and spends most of her time studying the Bible. Our life together is most enjoyable.
Currently I am involved in church planting, Bible translation, open air evangelism, tribal evangelism, discipleship, and other evangelism efforts. I have trained two men to be pastors and have started two new churches. Approximately 150 have been led to the Lord through my ministry and 75 have been baptized.
We live in a mud and grass house which has only one room. Some of our favorite foods include meat, fruits, rice, tea, vegetables, fish and ugali (corn meal pudding).
Since I am living below the poverty line, any financial assistance from a sponsor would be a most blessed thing for us and would enhance our work for the Lord. Please pray for us to be faithful in our work and that the Lord will raise up a sponsor for us soon.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 35 | Villages Evangelized | 116 | Professions of Faith | 1174 | Believers Baptized | 609 | What do these mean?
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Wife: Veronica W Children: 9 Country: Kenya
Needs additional support What is a sponsorship? | |
One day a missionary named Jerry Daniels came to my home and led me to Christ. At first my wife was an obstacle to me, because she did not want Christ in her, but now she too is saved and she is a great helper to me in the ministry. ...Read More