Richard Olao Ondeiko
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I was saved August 1989 when I heard the gospel by missionary Randall Stirewalt when I had come to visit my relative. I saw the need of the lost of the world and areas that were not reached by the Word, so I had to go to evangelize them.
I have seven children, two boys and five girls. All children old enough to understand their need of a Savior have accepted Christ.
Currently I am serving two churches in the Kakamega district working with the Lunga and Luo tribal groups. I speak three languages: Swahili, Lunga and English. I have led 150 souls to Christ and have baptized 50.
I work with other fellowships in the District to start new churches and hold youth camps, ladies meetings, and men's fellowships. I am also evangelizing every day passing out Bible tracts and other literature, church planting, discipleship training and doing open-air evangelism.
I have no monthly income. There is great trouble in Kenya now with electrical power and many people are without work. I live in a three-room house made of soil. My favorite foods are maize, beans, potatoes and cassava.
Your financial help is much needed and would be greatly appreciated. Please pray with me that God will supply our needs
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 167 | Villages Evangelized | 1161 | Professions of Faith | 2114 | Believers Baptized | 1001 | What do these mean?
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