Josphat Odhiambo
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I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour on 6-8-89 after I heard the message from a Baptist Pastor, Justus Lukakha. His message was preached in Namayiakato Baptist Church. I heard the message and received the Lord as my Saviour when the word of God was read to me. I also received my baptism on 8-8-89. I attended Eldoret Baptist institute from 1993-1996 knowing God wanted to use me to help plant new churches, I gave my heart to full time service.
I work in church planting, tribal and open-air evangelism, discipleship, and children's ministry. I am not a Bible schoolteacher but l does work with the Pastor's Fellowship in Busia. I train men in my church. I have started and work as Pastor at Musamgo Baptist Church. I have led 150 souls to Christ and baptized 63. I work with other preachers by visitation and evangelistic meetings, youth and leader's meetings and also preachers fellowship meetings.
I have one baby who is dedicated to the Lord but not old enough to understand salvation. My family lives in a grass-thatched house with two rooms. Our favorite food is uga or bread, beans and tea. I typically do visitation daily. The members live far from the church and I don't have a bicycle so I am limited to about 5 houses a day. My wife also makes visitation in the women's homes and even has meetings with them. However, before she goes on visitation she cooks for the family. I grow some food and purchase other food items that I can't grow.
My monthly income is limited, which I receive from the church I minister to. I am not employed by any denomination. The other job I do to provide for my family is to cultivate my plot farm, growing food. I pray you may be able to join God's work through the ministry here by sending financial and prayer support that I might work more efficiently for Him.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 50 | Villages Evangelized | 227 | Professions of Faith | 1057 | Believers Baptized | 700 | What do these mean?
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Wife: Teresa Children: 0 Country: Kenya
Needs additional support What is a sponsorship? | |
I was born in a Christian family. Through their influences I became a half Christian and half pagan - a lost hypocrite who although attended church services every Sunday danced actually to the times of the devil's drumbeat. I became aware of my lostness when a brother preached a message of the subject of sin and God's judgment. The passage that the preacher read was Romans 3:23, 24. I was convicted of my sins and I repented before God and prayed that He would make me a new man. And he did just that. Henceforth I was changed. Then in 1988 the Lord called me into the ministry. I started preaching but I did not know how to preach. My brother George Opiyo taught me a bit of what he called homiletics. I improved. Later I joined a 1 year Bible course in Nairobi and I am now actively involved in church planting apart from pastoring a church. ...Read More