Jacob Luvai Peter
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I'm Jacob Luvai, born on 8-9-54, being third born in a family of eight. I went to school and left in 10th grade due to lack of school funds, in Sept-1975, I got saved by acknowledging and accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord (Rom. 10:9-10, Eph. 2:8-9) led by missionary Jerry Daniel's team. In May, I was baptized by Missionary Tommy Moore. In Feb. 1977, the church leader asked me to assist in church work and it was by this church business I realized that God was calling me into the ministry. I joined Eldoret Bible School of Theology and graduated in 81 . In 1986,I was ordained and sent to another nearby district as a home missionary. I then moved in 1989 to Nairobi for church planting and in 1990 I launched a Bible school, Baptist Theological Institute of Nairobi. In '95,I left from Nairobi to Kapsebet and currently I am working as a Pastor with my home church.
The Lord has fed me to serve as pastor-teacher to both adults and children. I have worked in serving in Kakameya Town and Nairobi City. I generally work with others in my home district but when I am sent out to start new churches I work alone until I have trained other preachers for the ministry.
Currently, I'm working as a full time volunteer in pastoral work. My family and I live on a very small plot of land, which is only large enough for a small 3-room home and vegetable garden. We live by faith in a loving God and ask that you consider joining His work in my district by supporting this ministry.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 33 | Villages Evangelized | 87 | Professions of Faith | 1143 | Believers Baptized | 673 | What do these mean?
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